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"band case pack | Custom Band"

  • $24.00 $28.00
  • Brand: Custom
  • Availability: Out Of Stock

Our Production Team will use their best judgment in stamping each character so that your words and symbols are centered within the clay piece. Please view the thumbnail photos for real...


Our Production Team will use their best judgment in stamping each character so that your words and symbols are centered within the clay piece. Please view the thumbnail photos for real examples of the finished product. Thanks!

Case Pack - $24.00
Quantity - 4 Units
Unit Cost - $6.00
MSRP - $12.00

Elastic Varieties:
Classic - 1 each: Black, Blue, Pink, Turquoise
Neutral 1 each: Black, Brown, Gray, Navy

Handcrafted in Indiana, USA

Adjustable from 5" to 8" - one size fits most

Waterproof - wear it anywhere

A personal reminder & meaningful gift

Provides one week of clean water to someone in the Central African Republic

MudLOVE reserves the right to reject orders containing profanity, vulgarity, messages of hate, and copyrighted content. 


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